The subjective structure of Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Marc Chagall”

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This article builds the subjective structure of Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Marc Chagall”. The poem, related to role-playing lyrics, is organized as a dialogue between the lyrical “I” (with an active directly evaluative point of view) and the hero of the role-playing lyric (the artist). The lyrical “I” coincides in value with the hero-artist. At the climax of the poem, subjective neosyncretism is observed, the inseparability of the point of view of the hero and the subject. The position of the listener is that of internal involvement in collective knowledge; the addressee enters their own circle. The hero stores and transmits this knowledge.The lyrical subject penetrates the mental world of the hometown of the artist Marc Chagall - Vitebsk. In the author’s textual strategy, the dialogue of the characters becomes a bifurcation point for the implementation of a descriptive statement (ekphrasis) and a narrative one (diegesis).Ekphrasis reveals the topography of Vitebsk (streets: Smolenskaya, Zamkovaya, Vitba River, the Fire Tower). These images are visualized on the Chagall’s canvases. The diegetic space is the mental space of event experience, the space of memory (the world of childhood, youth, national culture). The reconstruction of the world of Vitebsk is built as a stylization of archaic narrative practices - epic tales. This expresses a precedent picture of the world (the cycle of life - death - life).At the end of the poem, the lyrical subject attains a self-awareness through familiarization with the cultural and value paradigm of the hero.


Subject structure, ekphrasis, diegesis, role lyrics

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IDR: 147243249   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh240209

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