Subjects of innovative activity

Автор: Erygina L.V., Orlova K.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.17, 2016 года.

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Important aspects of innovative activity are considered. The relevance of work is in a demand of innovations and innovative process in machine-building branch. In introduction the main tendencies of development of world economy and a choice of a vector of development of the Russian economy, namely an exit to a trajectory of the advancing development of national economy are designated. Characteristics are given to the main participants of innovative activity to the innovator, the innovator and the investor. It is established that subjects of innovative activity are the enterprises, the organizations, and the individuals who are directly participating in development of innovations and creation of prototypes of new production, and also those who renders financial, information, marketing, patent and license, leasing, marketing and other types of service. It is especially noted that for realization of the knowledge-intensive and difficult innovations in such branches as the space-rocket industry merger of the enterprise organizations is formed: consortia, concerns, holdings, financial and industrial groups, etc. Using a scale effect and having the big capital, large corporate business is capable to master the strategic technologies having priority value for achievement of national economy of scientific and technical progress. Among organizational structures of innovative process the special role belongs to small enterprises. Efficiency of their activity is defined by quality of the innovative environment. Due to the need of development of innovative infrastructure business incubators are considered as the main tool for development and support of the small innovative enterprises. In the conclusion need of development of communications between participants of innovative process, and also a key role of innovative infrastructure for functioning of the economy based on knowledge is emphasized.


Innovations, innovative activity, subject of innovative activity

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IDR: 148177643

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