Substructure of p-SiC films synthesized on the cleavage surface of mono-Si in vacuum and in air

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We have studied the structural and phase transformations during carbidization of the (111) Si surface created by cleavage during carbon condensation (juvenile surface) and the surface obtained by preliminary cleavage in air in the temperature range from 1073 to 1173 K using ARM, HEED, AFM, SEM and EOS methods. It has been revealed that during carbidization of the juvenile surface at temperatures of 1123 and 1173 K, a continuous textured Р-SiC film with a low roughness value is formed. In the case of a non-juvenile surface, the carbide phase is formed locally at the sites of native oxide breakdown.

Silicon carbide, juvenile surface, structure, substructure, morphology, thin films

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148330197   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-2363-2024-3-11-19

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