The fate of entrepreneurship in the XVIII century, which originated in the Voronezh region during the Petrine era

Автор: Dushkova N.A.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: История

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2024 года.

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The article examines the development of Voronezh entrepreneurship in the XVIII century after the end of shipbuilding by Peter I at the shipyards of Voronezh. It is noted that the number of state-owned enterprises did not increase during this period; rather, factories and mills began to be established predominantly based on private capital. Moreover, there was a reorientation of entrepreneurs from metallurgical production to the processing of agricultural products, since agriculture, due to the prevailing circumstances, has become the leading branch of economics in the Voronezh province. The author identifies the reasons for the slow growth of private owners’ capital, which led to the construction of mainly small semi-industrial enterprises. The article emphasizes the significant role of peasant handicrafts in the regional economy, highlights the rise of the merchant class, and discusses the process of the penetration of commodity-money relations into agriculture and livestock breeding. The article argues that the modernization impulse set by Peter the Great was preserved in the Voronezh province throughout the XVIII century. Entrepreneurship, acquiring new features, continued to develop. Thus, it contributed to the creation of market relations and the decomposition of the feudal-serfdom system.


Entrepreneurship, industry, factories, trade, merchants, peasants, crafts, public policy, artisans

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IDR: 149147055   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.11.19

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