Information about the Komi region in the book "Russia seu moscovia itemque tartaria. Commentario topographico atque politico illustratae" printed in Leiden in 1630

Автор: Ponaryadov V.V.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Статья в выпуске: 1 (53), 2022 года.

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The paper introduces into scientific circulation a new West European historical source of the XVII century describing the geography of the Komi region, the ethnic situation and peculiarities of the economic activity of the local population, as well as the role the region played in the transit route to Siberia. The connection of this source with earlier Western evidence about the Komi region is considered; the original Latin text, its Russian translation and comments providing a more complete understanding of the text are given. The study of the source allows us to conclude that although some of the information in it is borrowed from earlier authors of the XVI century, other parts of the information are original, not found anywhere else.


Historical sources about the komi region, west european written sources, vychegda perm, the great perm, babinov road

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IDR: 149139718

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