Witness immunity as a guarantor of the reliability of testimony in the civil process

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The article examines the main provisions of the current legislation regulating witness immunity in the civil process of the Russian Federation. The importance of this institution is considered from the point of view of the theory of evidence, the fight against perjury and improving the reliability of testimony within the framework of the civil process. It is concluded that it is necessary to modernize this institution both by unifying the provisions on witness immunity in civil and arbitration proceedings, and by introducing the necessary changes to the current legal regulation.

Witness immunity, immunity, civil process, perjury, evidence, reliability, reliability of evidence, arbitration process, confidentiality of confession, advocate confidentiality

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305942

IDR: 140305942   |   DOI: 10.52068/2304-9839_2024_66_1_47

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