Free radical oxidation as an indicator of milk quality
Автор: Yarovan N.I., Bolkunov P.S., Veselov S.L.
Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau
Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки
Статья в выпуске: 4 (109), 2024 года.
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The article presents results of the scientific research on the effect of plant adaptogens with antioxidant action (purple basil, garden spinach and lecithin individually and in combination) at the level of free radical oxidation in the blood and milk of Holstein cows under industrial stress conditions. The scientific research was carried out on the basis of the livestock complex of the Orel region: JSC Potato Niva Oryolshchiny (Saburovo village, Oryol district) during the winter stall period. The state of the oxidant-antioxidant system was studied before and after the use of purple basil, garden spinach and lecithin in cows individually and in combination against the background of the main feeding. 4 groups of Holstein cows of the 2nd lactation were created. The cows of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups received the proposed additives in different versions: cows of the 2nd group received the basic diet (BD) + purple basil (PB) + lecithin (L), the 3rd group received the basic diet (BD) + garden spinach (GS) + lecithin (L), group 4 - basic diet (BD) + purple basil (PB) + garden spinach (GS) + lecithin (L). The cows of group 1 served as control and received basic diet (BD). To improve the quality of milk, determined by a number of indicators, including indicators of the POL-AOS system in milk from Holstein cows, we recommend using basil (in a dose of 50 g per head), spinach (250 g per head) and lecithin (50 g per head). At the same time, the greatest positive effect is achieved when they are used in combination. Improvement in the quality of milk when using the proposed composition undoubtedly occurs due to the reduction of stress-induced metabolic disorders in cows kept in industrial complexes.
Malondialdehyde, ceruloplasmin, free radical oxidation, holstein cows, milk, blood
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147244961 | DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2024.4.74