"Own and others" in the artistic language of modern cinema

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The language of cinema is a very complex, multidimensional phenomenon in the art of cinema. its conceptual sphere is explored by film culture. one of the most important concepts of modern Russian cinema is the concept of "own and others", which can contain all the archetypes. "their own and others" constantly interacting as a pair and are able to reflect any opposition groups that can help develop the film story, the emergence of a conflict, the preservation of intrigue (which of the "own" will go to the camp of "others" and vice versa). "their own and others", traveling in the space of a film story, often undergo metamorphosis, change places, unite to solve the same goals and part after solving them. “own and strangers”, despite the antagonism, cannot exist without each other, and represent the diversity of the world as a whole.


Language of cinema, cinema culture, the concept of “friends and foes”, archetype, conflict, movie plot, communication, order, transformation

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IDR: 142224071

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