Commodity conveyer - the basis of obtaining highly nourishing forage in conditions of Western Siberia

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Effective solution to the problem of obtaining a balanced ration of protein and energy nutrient is the development of commodity conveyer through the use mixed sowings of grain forage and high protein crops. While promising is to use new varieties of phytocenotic type. For implementation of this direction is need to develop effective methods of cultivation annual grasses mixtures for the fodder crop rotations and production of a nourishing haylage forage with 12-15 МJ in 1 kg in absolutely dry matter (ADM) level of exchange energy, digestible protein 125-135 g in 1 feed unit, providing 6-8 thousand kg of milk, average gain in fattening 750-950 g per day. For solving this problem in a southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia in 2012-2015, assess the efficiency of polyspecies mixtures at different date sowing of crop and new varieties of annual grasses in agrophytocenosis. In our studies influence of date sowing on the productivity agrophytocenosis was detected direct correlation between an increased yield haulage mass and date of sowing: early (10th of May) - 11.2-15.6 t/hа and late (10th of June) - 15.2-28.8 t/hа. Significant influence on the crops productivity has crop set. For each date sowing (10th, 20th, 30th of May, 10th of June) were studied 4 variants of different mixtures adapted to the temperature and moisture conditions for a specific period of the growing season. Date sowing at 20th of May provided highest productivity the mixture of millet + vetch + rape - 4.59 t/hа yield of feed unite and digestible protein 0.53 t/hа. Date sowing at 30th of May was the best variant of mixture sudanese grass + vetch + pea which provided 4.35 t/hа yield of feed unite and 0.54 t/hа of digestible protein. In general, the most productive mixture the sunflower + oats + vetch in date sowing 10th of June is formed 7.55 t/hа yield of feed unite and 0.82 t/hа of digestible protein. The mixture of new varieties Irtysh 22 of oats + Omsk 9 of pea provided the highest haulage mass yield - 23.8 t/ha. Mixtures of high productivity new varieties: Irtysh 22 of oats, Sibur of pea, Eldorado of soya, Omsk naked grain 2 of barley optimized the composition of forage crops in crop rotations and raise their efficiency.


Fodder production, commodity conveyer, annual forage crops, agrophytocenosis, highly nourishing forage

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IDR: 142199316

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