Compression of digital video stream in a television communication channel

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This paper describes a way how to compress digital video stream on the television communication channel with the help of exploring psychophysical features of human vision. It leads to achieving better results of the visual quality of the picture than standard MPEG-2 has. The fields are supposed to be divided into groups. There are 3 types of the fields: an O-field, which performs as a bearing; an N-even field, encoded by prediction based on the previous field within one frame, M-odd fields, encoded with the prediction based on the previous odd field from another frame. To improve the visual quality of the picture odd and even fields are interchanged during the whole video sequence or a frame group. It results in frames with better high-definition, and the visual quality of the picture becomes much higher.


Mpeg, analog-digital conversion, removal of fame and interfame superfluity, discrete-cosine conversion, a group of continuity

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IDR: 140191647

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