Taiga bean goose in Evenkia: ecology and current status

Автор: Emelyanov V.I., Savchenko A.P., Temerova V.L., Savchenko P.A., Karpova N.V., Koshkina L.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2018 года.

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Until recently it was believed that the nature of Evenkia is preserved in its original form, being away from the areas of economic development. However, the impoverishment of the resources of the fauna has already become noticeable. Migrato-ry birds and, in particular, geese, for which nesting places, migration routes, and wintering areas are equally important are at the highest risk. Any changes making impact on these elements of the area of birds have the most negative consequenc-es. In Evenkia there is considerable part of area of summer dwelling of taiga bean goose Anser fabalis middendorffii Severtzov, 1873 which is one of the most vulnerable views of the region. The geese living there are already included in the Red List of Krasnoyarsk Region. The knowledge of their biolo-gy and current state is very fragmentary. The data on territorial structure of subspecies in the territory of Evenkia where it is presented by two large sub-populations are for the first time provided in the present publication: Evenk and Moyero-Kotui as parts of larger West Yakut population. Ecological features of these groups connected with their spa-tial placement and biotopic arrangement are re-vealed. Established number of birds after reproduc-tion period in 2011-2017 made 16-19 thousand individuals. The distribution is characterized by ex-treme unevenness. Considerable part of resources of taiga bean goose is concentrated in the basin of the Kotuy River (more than 56 %). The number of the birds occupying the southern part of Evenkia (the Angara-Tungus grouping) considerably de-creases; Evenk and Moyero-Kotui subpopulations are stabler. As a result of the researches the most significant habitats of taiga bean goose which can become the basis for the creation of especially pro-tected natural territories and preservation of the species are established.


Evenkia, siberian taiga bean goose, kotui river basin, podkamennaya and lower tun-guska, distribution, population dynamics, features of ecology, spatial location, conservation problems, red book, protection of geese

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IDR: 140224348

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