Taxonomic diversity and areology of oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the European North of Russia

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354 species, 132 genera and 67 families of the oribatid mites are known in the European North of Russia. Reduced taxonomic diversity of oribatids is noted in comparison with lower latitudes and western faunas. Oribatids species with the wide areals predominate (holarctic and palaearctic). The characteristic feature is high degree of similarity to the Siberian fauna. According to latitudinal distribution, arctic, arctic-boreal, boreal, temperate and polizonal species are present. There is high degree of similarity between species composition of oribatids in plain and mountain areas of subarctic tundra and boreal zone.

Taxonomic diversity, biogeography, areology, oribatid mites, european north of Russia

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IDR: 14992450

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