Tales of mystical love in the poems of the Persian poet Farid Ad-Din ‘Attar

Автор: Drozdov V.A.

Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka

Статья в выпуске: 2 (90), 2024 года.

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One of the greatest Persian Sufi poets of the late 12th-early 13th centuries, Farid ad-Din ‘Attar (died c. 617/1220 or 632/1234) is the author of many mystical mathnavi poems, such as “Asrar-nameh” (“The Book of Secrets”), “The Mantiq al-tair” (“Language of the Birds”), “Ilahi-nameh” (“The Divine Book”), and “Musibat-nameh” (“The Book of Suffering”). One of the poet’s major accomplishments are poems about mystical love, whose heroes are famous Sufi sheikhs, historical figures, heroes from the Middle and Near Eastern literary tradition, as well as lesser-known characters. ‘Attar’s stories illustrate various aspects of the mystics’ religious love for God.


Persian sufi literature, islamic mysticism, mystical love, iranian sufism, 'attar

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304194

IDR: 140304194

Список литературы Tales of mystical love in the poems of the Persian poet Farid Ad-Din ‘Attar

  • ‘Attar, Farid Ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. "Musibat-nameh" ("The Book of Suffering"). Edited and prepared for printing by Nurani-yi Visal. Tehran: Zavvar, 1343/1964, 48 p. + 484 p.
  • ‘Attar, Farid Ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. "The Mantiq al-tair" ("Language of the Birds"). Edited and prepared for printing by Sayyid Sadiq Gauharin. 10th edition. Tehran: Shirkat-i ‘Ilmi va Farhangi, 1374/1995, 31 p. + 445 p.
  • ‘Attar, Farid Ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. "Ilahi-nameh" ("The Divine Book"). Edited by H. Ritter. Istanbul: Matba‘a Ma‘arif, 1940 (Bibliotheca Islamica, band 12), 15 p. + 439 p. + 29 fig.
  • Ritter H. Das Meer der Seele. Mensch, Welt und Gott in den Geschichten des Fariduddin ‘Attar. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1955, IX p. + 777 p.
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