The equipment and technology of receiving fodder yeast

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In the study the attention is paid on the im-portance of development of animal husbandry in the Republic of Buryatia according to implementa-tion of the " Agrarian and industrial complex and rural territories development for 2011-2017 and for the period till 2020" program. In this regard there is a need for the solution of such important problem as creation of strong food supply for animal hus- bandry. One of the solved tasks is collecting, utili-zation and processing of organic raw material for the purpose of receiving albumen by an extraction method. The implementation of the process of ex-traction requires special equipment, namely, the extractor. The analysis of domestic and foreign equipment showed imperfection or total absence of effective equipment therefore the design of new extractor and technology of receiving fodder yeast protected by patents are given in the study. Fodder yeast turns out on the basis of chicken dung, which contains protein, vitamins, other valuable sub-stances and amino acids. The given design of a new extractor allows using new technology of ex-traction after which the extract goes to fermenter for growth. The design of extractor and fermenter and also new technologies used in two devices offered by the authors will allow receiving better production and reducing its prime cost.


Fodder yeast, birds' dung, extraction, fermentation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084584

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