Technological aspects of agrobiocenoses soil cleaning and reclamation under oil spills

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The consequences of pollution of arable lands with oil and oil products are considered, the impos-sibility of self-restoration at strong extent of technogenic defeats, the influence of pollution on morphology of soils and native microorganisms is shown. The value of changes of properties of the soil was established, the data on the change of mechanical, air and physical and chemical proper-ties of soils under the influence of oil were provid-ed. The results of the research of sorption ability of various modifications of polymeric sorbent "Unipolimer" are given. It was established that the picnometric density and porosity of models of vari- ous modifications of polymeric sorbent "Unipolimer" for a wide range of oil products were close in val-ues, it testified to the existence in sorbents of open time, permeable for all types of oil products. How-ever, the time of impregnation of sorbents of vari-ous modifications considerably differs. Technologi-cal process of purification of oil of the polluted soils with the use of a mobile complex was considered in detail. The detailed description of a mobile complex configuration was made for the purification of soil and recultivation of soils and arable lands of oil pol-lution. The mobile complex consists of the traction and power unit, the device for milling, the batcher mixer, the unit for laying of cleared soil. Depending on the regulations and algorithm of recultivation of polluted soil in a mobile complex the depth of mill-ing of the soil, the degree of loosening and aeration can change. In the study it was proved that the combined way of cleaning and recultivation of soils of agrobiocenoses allowed to improve considerably physical and mechanical, hydrological characteris-tics of the soil that positively influenced the soil microflora participating in the course of bioremedia-tion of oil of the polluted soil in climatic conditions of Siberia and the Far East.


Polymeric sorbent, soil, agrobio-cenoses, cleaning technology

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084832

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