Technological and technical prerequisites of parameters of machine and tractor units optimization

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In the study the technique of development of theoretical prerequisites by determination of opti-mum parameters of machine and tractor units and the assessment of economic efficiency of their work on the minimum of costs of operation of units is offered. Because of small number of researches on forecasting of the MTU optimum parameters and structure of MTP there was a need for the devel-opment of theoretical prerequisites for the solution of this problem taking into account the efficiency of their use in the applied purposes. Now in natural and economic zones of the country units work at the land plots of 0.3-400 hectares in size with av-erage long rutting of 100-4000 m and with a specif-ic resistance of soils 46-82. They are widely used in agriculture in cultivation over 200 various cul-tures. Special models of units are necessary for cotton breeding, grapes growing, tea growing, beet breeding, closed soil. Despite big variety of work in each zone it is necessary to reduce the number of brands of tractors and a loop of cars. Analyzing flow charts on cultivation and harvesting, it was established that all field works can be united in the following big groups: the main and the preceding processing of the soil, the application of fertilizers, crops and seeding of crops, care of crops and har-vest processes. Loading and unloading and transport works are binding elements in technologi-cal lines and take place in the production of all crops. The research objective was to define theo-retical prerequisites of forecasting of parameters of machine and tractor units and the structure of ma-chine and tractor park. The research problems were to establish the influence of parameters of machine and tractor units on the definition of struc-ture of machine and tractor park; to define econom-ic efficiency of using units with reasonable parame-ters and optimum structure of machine and tractor park. The design of a new machine design and technology are considered within uniform system of field crop growing. The technique of technological and technical basis of definition of structure of the unit will make the order in the definition of structure of machine and tractor park in close connection with parameters of machine and tractor units.


Machine and tractor units, machine and tractor park, economic efficiency

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084878

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