Technologies for measuring the dynamic parameters of rowing based on strain gauge systems

Автор: Guseinov D.I., Permyakov T., Narkevich H.L., Lukashevich D.A., Minchenya A.V.

Журнал: Российский журнал биомеханики @journal-biomech

Статья в выпуске: 2 (104) т.28, 2024 года.

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One of the criteria for the effectiveness of flatwater rowing biomechanics is the interaction of the athlete with the surface of the water by an oar, as well as the effectiveness of transferring the efforts developed by the athlete to the boat for its advancement. The quality of an athlete's movements with a paddle in rowing locomotives depends on the level of development of power abilities and can be quantified using strain gauge systems. However, the lack of recommendations describing the specifics of the preparation and use of such systems in training process significantly reduce the degree of their use. The article discusses the technical features and methodological foundations of the use of strain gauge systems to measure the efforts of an athlete when interacting with an oar in flatwater kayaking and canoeing. To substantiate the choice of the scheme of loading and securing the paddle when graduating the strain gauge system, as well as the place of its direct attachment to the forearm, the authors carried out mathematical modeling of diagrams of bending moments arising on the paddle in response to external forces, as a result of which three options for the support and orientation of the paddle are presented, depending on the location of key support points. To substantiate the method of attaching the strain gauge system to the forearm, a series of tests with paddle loading was carried out, as a result of which the presence of a linear relationship between the values of the external load and the readings of the strain gauge system was assessed, as well as the repeatability of the recorded data. Based on the results of the assessment, recommendations are presented for the practical application of the results of the study in assessing the speed and strength training of rowers on kayaks and canoes.


Flatwater kayaking and canoeing, paddle, force measurement, strain gauge systems, graduation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146282970   |   DOI: 10.15593/RZhBiomeh/2024.2.10

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