The technology of the integrated application of physical culture and acupressure in people with cervical osteochondrosis

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The article presents the results of the study with the use of the pedagogical experiment to determine the effectiveness of the developed technology of complex use of health-improving physical culture and acupressure in people with cervical osteochondrosis. Into pedagogical experiment two groups of subjects (control and experimental) with 12 persons in each group have been involved. In this paper other methods of research have been used: the analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observation, control tests, and mathematical statistics with the application of the Wilcoxon criterion. In the experimental group health-improving physical culture have been used taking into account the characteristics of the four kinetic conditions, they are sparing, restorative, regenerating, and training. The acupressure was being performed on a person’s head, on five symmetrically located paired points and one unpaired point. In the control group, health-improving physical culture was applied by the conventional method with the features of the three conditions of patients: acute, subacute, and remission...


Physical culture, cervical osteochondrosis, massage

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14117007

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