The technology of feeding manufacturing bulls and veterinary control

Автор: Sushkova M.A., Stroganova I.Ya., Lefler T.F., Mashanov A.I., Tabakov N.A., Murzina T.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Ветеринария и зоотехния

Статья в выпуске: 9, 2019 года.

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Feeding and keeping are the key points on which the health, reproductive quality and productivity of animals depend. The violations in feeding affect the function of reproductive system, the duration of breeding use of sperm bulls. So the quality of sperm is not strictly constant, but varies depending on feeding conditions, keeping, the mode of use and health of sperm donors, breed characteristics and other factors. For feeding bulls good quality feed is needed, which does not contain harmful substances to the health of animals and does not adversely affect the quality of sperm. The aim of the research was to analyze the technology of feeding sperm bulls and its veterinary and sanitary control at JSC "Krasnoyarskagroplem". The main criterion for assessing biologically complete feeding was the quality and quantity of sperm. In addition, clinical condition of bulls and biochemical bloodanalysis data reflect metabolic disorders in the body of manufacturing bulls. Biochemical parameters of blood serum of bulls were within normal limits...


Feeding, sperm donor bulls, feed quality, diet, toxicity, veterinary control

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IDR: 140245699

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