The technology of disinfestation of pig manure

Автор: Kovalchuk A.N., Lefler T.F., Stroganova I.Ya., Donkova N.V., Sidorova A.L., Chetvertakova E.V., Smolin S.G.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2017 года.

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At pig-breeding enterprises the waste under their irrational use brings great ecological and bio-logical dangers to the environment and also to the person and animals in epizootic plan. Therefore so far basic researches on search and development of effective modern and ecologically acceptable ways of manure disinfecting for the purpose of receiving safe processing product in sanitary relation in the form of organic fertilizer were conducted. The method of cavitation causes the impact on manure weight, including microorganisms of mechanical temperature and electrostatic influences. The re-sults of researches on studying of cavitational way of disinfecting of pig manure are presented in the study. For manure processing in cavitational the installation of original design by V.G. Mozgovoy was used. Manure weight was investigated on bio-chemical structure for definition of possibility of its use as organic fertilizer after cavitational pro-cessing, and also on general seeding of microor-ganisms on quantitative and quality indicators, in time and after processing. It was established by the conducted researches that received manure weight began to contain 27.5 times less cellulose in pro-cessing, 1.6 times more starch, the content of ash-es decreased by 2.1 time, nitrogen - by 5.4 time, fat - by 14 times, thus the content of sugar re-mained the same. Microbiological analysis showed that at the temperature of 75 °C (the time of pro-cessing was - 550 s) CFU / g decreased in 17х103 times and 6 time the quantity of colonies de-creased, and after processing in 1200 s under 63 °C CFU / g decreased in 27х 107 times and col-onies were not found. Conducted microbiological researches established bactericidal action of cavitational processing and after it the opportunity to use the manure immediately as organic fertilizer.


Pig manure, microorganisms, bacteria, eggs of helminths, epizooty, infections, cavitational way, tech-nology, activators, cavita-tion, disinfecting

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IDR: 140224188

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