Techniques for processing lithic material during epipalaeolithic in the Eastern Elbrus region (on materials of the Naves Badynoko site)

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Purpose. The rock shelter Badynoko site is one of the key archaeological sites of the Eastern Elbrus region, which contains stratified archaeological complexes of the Final Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Stone industries at this site are the most important evidence for studying the cultural dynamics, economic and technological transformations that took place during the Epipalaeolithic time in Northern Caucasus. We aimed at conducting technological analysis of the Badynoko’s archaeological complexes using experimental data on knapping flint and obsidian raw materials. To achieve this goal, we analyzed available information on morphometric criteria to identify knapping techniques. Our research interests included experimental modelling of the main methods which were used at the rock shelter Badynoko site for producing obsidian lamellar blanks; we also identified knapping techniques for producing blanks from other lithic materials. Results. We described the main strategies used in processing lithic materials which existed during the Final Pleistocene and Early Holocene periods at the rock shelter Badynoko site. Identified are basic techniques applied in the fracture zone and methods for producing lamellar blanks of several types, namely microblades, bladelets, and blades. The common feature of all the assemblages is that primary flaking was meant to obtain bladelets and microblades from volumetric cores mainly by unidirectional knapping. The technological and morphological study of each type of the blanks has allowed us to link the production of these items with different stages of utilizing cores and determine knapping techniques used, such as direct hitting with a soft mineral chipper tool and pressure. Conclusion. Based on our technological reconstructions, we provide a more detailed description of the evolution of strategies and knapping techniques used to process lithic materials during various stages at the rock shelter Badynoko site.


Eastern elbrus region, epipaleolithic, stone industry, technological analysis, knapping technique

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IDR: 147220140   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-7-112-131

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