Technology of implementation of the methodology of professional and applied physical training of fighter pilots

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Relevance. The method of differentiated professional and applied physical training of fighter pilots developed by specialists is a multi-component system education. The logically interrelated structural and functional components included in the projective, organizational, content, technological and control blocks of the methodology allow us to create conditions for a directed programmable change in the level of development of professionally important motor and psychomotor abilities of pilots, taking into account their qualification category and the peculiarities of the influence of these qualities on the aircraft control indicators at the flight stages. The effective implementation of the main target setting, the solution of tasks and the achievement of the expected results in the level of professional and applied physical fitness of pilots largely depends on the technology of implementing this technique in the conditions of practical activities for the physical training of fighter aircraft flight personnel. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the main provisions of the technology of practical implementation of the methodology of differentiated professional and applied physical training of fighter pilots. Research methods. The achievement of this goal was carried out on the basis of methods of literature analysis and design. Results. The technology of implementation of the methodology of differentiated professional and applied physical training of fighter pilots has been developed, which specifies the components of its technological block, allowing to ensure the predicted result in accordance with the target settings, and includes the following main activities: determination of indicators of the initial level of development of motor and psychomotor abilities; drawing up individual trajectories of development of motor and psychomotor abilities; differentiation of the composition and load of the means of professional and applied physical training; formation for training sessions of homogeneous by coincidence specific tasks of professional and applied physical training groups of pilots. Conclusion. The results of the study expand the information available in the theory and methodology of physical training of military personnel about the technology of implementing the methodology of professional and applied physical training of fighter pilots, as a special set of forms, methods, methods, techniques and means that ensure the achievement of the predicted result.


Pilots, training, physical, methodology, implementation, technology

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IDR: 142226871

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