Reflexive-value support of vocational creative training of education students: the concept structure

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The aim of this work is to form in different categories of current and future officers a stable idea of the phenomenon of professional-educational culture, disclosure of its basic and functional components, explaining the mechanisms of formation and development of this quality and thus contributing to the efficiency of professional training of military personnel not only in higher military-training institutions, but also directly in the units and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In the study of the characteristics of the professional and educational culture of the officer, the most significant role is played directly by military-educational activity, the unit of analysis of which are its tasks. In turn, the professional-educational culture, being a personal characteristic of the officer, appears as a way of military-educational activity, providing solving various kinds of pedagogical problems. Thus, the process of solving pedagogical problems constitutes the technology of military-educational activity as a component of the training of an officer. The concept of “task of activity” chosen by us as a unit of analysis of military-educational activities has justified the category of «technology of pedagogical activity» as a component of officer training; to consider its task nature, presented by binary groups of analytics-reflexive, constructive-predictive, organizational-activity, evaluation-information and corrective-regulating tasks. Although these task groups are typical of commanders and superiors as subjects of professional military-educational activities, all of them in a particular situation involve an indispensable search for a creative, individual-personality solution.


Tasks of activity, technology of military-pedagogical activity, training of an officer

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14118003   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/20-3/14

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