The tekstological description of menology BAN 21.4.4

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The report presents the analysis of tekstological features of handwritten menology BAN 21.4.4. Handwriting several scribes, two numbering system of works, inconsistent with each other, as well as unnumbered works and clean sheets allow you to define the collection as konvalyut. Part of the works was written in the early XVI century. The other part belongs to the end of the XVI century and one piece was written in the XIX century, when the collection was compiled and bound. The composition of this menology includes 77 works. Collection begins with reading on September 8, finishes reading on August 29. In the collection there are no reading in November, February and April. As the sustainable collection BAN 21.4.4 has common basis with all menologys, that consistes of homilies and words devoted most revered saints in the ancient church. Most of the works in the collection are translated and have authors. Among the readings of BAN 21.4.4 we find the words devoted to Russian holidays. Homilies slightly dominate in this menology: 48 of 77. Hagiographic works are presented by Lives, tortures, stories, miracles. We have identified a separate group: the eulogys in honor of saints. There are two apocryphal in the collection. Analysis of subjects, genres, works of authorship allows classify it as memology of New edition of the late XIV - early XV century, that based on the collections of ancient tradition stemming from Kievan Rus. Manuscript collection BAN 21.4.4 provides rich material for the study of the Church Slavonic and Russian languages XVI century.


Manuscript book, book of the stable composition, tekstology, menology

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IDR: 147219290

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