Current state of the dosimetric registry of RNMDR

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At present a large volume of individual radiation-epidemiological information on people exposed to radiation as the result of the Chernobyl accident, including verified information for about 260 thousand people residing in 567 settlements of the Kaluga, Bryansk, Tula, Orel oblasts, is accumulated at the RNMDR. In compliance with the National Standards of Radiation Safety-99 and "The Concept on radiation, medical and social protection and rehabilitation of the population of the Russian Federation affected by accidental exposure to radiation" (Russian Scientific Commission for Radiation Protection, 1995) estimation of radiation doses to population and its critical groups should be made. Data on annual dynamics of effective external and internal radiation doses accumulated from 1986 to 2006 to people permanently residing in contaminated settlements of the four above mentioned oblasts have been input into the registry. Statistical information on dose parameters related to residents of the contaminated oblasts is available as well.


Dosimetric registry, chernobyl accident, verified information, accumulated effective external and internal radiation doses

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170169933

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