The subject of the regional library construction pictured in Omsk newspapers in perestroika time end first post-perestroika years

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The article deals with characteristic features of Omsk newspapers of one decade - from 1985 to 1995, and reveals the specificity of regional journalism of the period of perestroika so as the first post-perestroika years, when the Soviet system of printing has undergone a serious transformation. Features of Omsk journalism of this period is revealed by the example of a topic - construction of new building of the regional library named after A. S. Pushkin in Omsk city. So, in 1985 the episode that triggered the media interest in this topic was the award of the Diploma of VDNKh to the Omsk architects who have designed the new building. Newspapers supported the intention of the architects to resist the attempts of the builders to simplify a unique project and began to outwatch the construction of the building. Due to the difficult economic situation in those years the construction was delayed, and then the journalists of the leading Omsk media actually put under the control the progress of the building. Since 1990, the process of formation of market economy reflects in publications on this subject: analyzing the causes of protracted, journalists offer to implement the new market mechanisms more actively, for example, take a building on lease contract. After the enactment of the Mass Media Act new editions are starting to be issued in Omsk, the old ones change their founders. So, labor collectives of the editors become the co-founders of newspapers, which were bodies of the regional Committee and city Committee of the CPSU in the recent past. Nearly all the newspapers continue to refer to the construction of the regional library. However, even such socially significant theme at times is exploited to obtain political dividends. The article revealed the following publications of this period: the desire of the media to become an institution, deciding important public issues; breaking the hierarchy of the Soviet media, expressed, for example, that youth publication dared to criticize the regional party leadership; the emergence of the interest of journalists to the economic dimension; the emergence of the debate between the media and their use as a tool of political struggle; the emergence of new types of publications.


Regional press, periodical press, perestroika, omsk regional library

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147219973   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2018-17-6-40-46

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