Temporal-fuzzy method of assessing technogenic risks of electrical facilities

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The research objective was the increase of efficien-cy of the assessment of technological risks of electrical facilities. The efficiency was defined by offered method of the assessment of technological hazards of electrical facilities which considered temporal relationships of cause and effect between risk forming factors. For the accounting of temporal relationships of cause and effect between risk forming factors it was offered to use unary temporal operations "always in the past", "ever in the past" and binary indistinct operation "priority I". The software in the С# programming language was devel-oped for the calculation of technological hazards of elec-trical installations for the offered method. Using devel-oped software the assessment of risk of technogenic danger "electrical installation accident" on the object of JSC ‘Network company Altaykrayenergo’ in 2017 was carried out. As a result of research the value of techno-genic risk of danger "electrical installation accident" tak-ing into account temporal relationships of cause and effect between risk forming factors, equal 0...


Electrical facilities, technogenic risk, fuzzy logic, temporal logic

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140238091

IDR: 140238091

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