Theoretical model of co-study of Russian language and culture in the context of multicultural educational environment in Indonesia

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Statement of the problem. Indonesia is an actively developing country in the Asia-Pacific region, an attractive partner in the international arena. Rapid economic development, growing interest in interaction with Russia in terms of cooperation in the field of business, tourism and culture have determined the interest of Indonesians in studying the Russian language. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and develop a model of co-study of Russian language and culture in a multicultural educational environment and organizational and pedagogical conditions for its implementation as a means of motivation to study the Russian language using Indonesia as an example. Research methodology. Russian culture co-study model development involves the operation of several basic concepts - ‘consciousness’ as a person’s ability to reflect and comprehend reality; ‘Russian language consciousness’, which determines the ‘specifics of the Russian cultural space’ (V.V. Krasnykh); ‘worldview’ as a global image of the world, reflecting the historical experience of man and his modern ideas, his culture; ‘the linguistic picture of the world’ as fixed in the language and specific to any national language collective scheme of perception and ‘processing’ of reality. A special place in the substantiation of multicultural education is occupied by the studies of M. M. Bakhtin, who emphasized the dynamics of cultural development achieved in the process of interaction of cultures and multicultural communication. Research results. Russian language - speech (communication) - text based on the results of theoretical analysis and pedagogical experience of RFL teaching, a methodological model is proposed, which is based on the conditional linguistic triangle ‘Russian language - speech (communication) - text’, demonstrating the scientific fruitfulness of the idea of co-studying the Russian language and culture in a multicultural educational environment, and in addition, helps to see and comprehend the meaningful, functional, and methodological relationship of these two phenomena.


Co-study of russian language and culture, indonesia, motivation, multicultural education, model, language picture of the world, cultural material, organizational and pedagogical conditions

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IDR: 144163229

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