Theoretical bases of export potential of agricultural sector of economy

Автор: Karpova O.I.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (67), 2017 года.

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In this article the theoretical bases of export potential in agro-industrial complex are researched. Author summarized, that this phenomenon is not studied well in Russia. Author proposed essentially new approach to the definition of export potential of agricultural sector of economy. It takes into account, on the one hand, modern tendencies of food security reinforcement and, on the other hand, conditions of world economy globalization. It is presented not only how possibility of domestic organizations and enterprises of agro-industrial complex to make and work over agricultural raw materials and food products so much, that it will be possible to provide internal market and to form surpluses, which will be direct on external markets, but with taking into account the possibility to produce goods, competitive on the external market and to organize effective process of access to foreign markets. Moreover in the article the multifactorial model of export potential for agricultural sector of economy are formed. It includes such factors of production as labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial ability and information; specific for agrarian sector factors: climate, governmental support of agro-industrial complex, level of internal consumption of agricultural raw materials and food products, policy of food security; factors of foreign economic activity organization: organization and support of export cooperatives, organization of agrarian companies according to ISO standards with the aim of international patenting and certification, customs administration and logistic assistance of export, marketing research of foreign markets, promotion and positioning on external markets. The third group of factors, posed like the mechanism of agricultural export, are developed in Russia poorly. The structured, functioned on a fixed basis and effective export mechanism in the agricultural sphere is absent.


Export potential, agricultural sector of economy, mechanism of export, promotion and positioning, external markets

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IDR: 147124429

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