Theoretical and experimental study of capacity of toothed hopper feeding-orienting device for asymmetric parts of rotation bodies

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The article presents the results of a theoretical and experimental study of the performance of a mechanical disk gear hopper feeding-orienting device with an annular orientator for asymmetric parts of rotation bodies. For theoretical description of productivity, mathematical model of probability of gripping asymmetric parts with end face in form of truncated cone is presented, with the help of which it becomes possible to determine actual productivity of feeding-orienting device and estimate of influence on it of geometric parameters of parts, structural and kinematic parameters of hopper feeding-orienting device. Using the developed mathematical model, the parameters of the bunker feeding-orienting device were determined, at which its feed rate would be maximum. To confirm the adequacy and correctness of the developed mathematical model of capture probability to describe the feed rate, the results of experimental studies on the layout of the feeding device for two types of asymmetric parts with a truncated cone end are presented. Comparative analysis of the theoretical values of the actual feed rate of the feeding-oriented device with experimental ones showed their high convergence, which confirms the feasibility of using the proposed concept in assessing the feed rate of mechanical disk hopper feeding-oriented devices for asymmetric parts of rotation bodies.


Hopper feeding-orienting device, feed rate, probability of gripping, orientation of asymmetric parts of bodies of rotation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328449   |   DOI: 10.37313/1990-5378-2024-26-1-63-69

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