Heat transfer in the centrifugal force field for gas turbines elements

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The study of heat transfer from combustion products (CP) to the impeller and the casing of gas turbines of liquid rocket engines (LRE) is an urgent task. The solution of the flow problem, taking into account heat transfer, in rotational flows, in the flowing parts of the turbopump units (TPU) of the rocket engine, is carried out by the following methods: numerical methods; analytical approach, when solving the equations of dynamic and temperature boundary layers; as well as using empirical dependencies. The temperature parameter of the gaseous combustion products and, as a consequence, the heat exchange between the combustion products and the structural elements of the flow part, significantly affects the working and energy characteristics of the TPU LRE. When designing gas turbines of LRE, it is necessary to take into account the presence of heat exchange processes, the working fluid temperature distribution and the structural element temperatures in the cavities of the TPU LRE (since energy losses and viscosity depend on the temperatures of the working fluid, and also determine the flow parameters). The temperature distribution in the structural elements determines the performance and reliability of the unit. In the case of the use of cryogenic fuel components in the TPU LRE units the heating of the component leads to the implementation of cavitation modes and a drop in operating and energy characteristics. On the other hand, a lowered temperature of the working fluid leads to an increased viscosity of the components and, as a consequence, a decrease in the efficiency of the unit (especially when using gel-like components). When studying heat transfer in the field of centrifugal forces for elements of rocket engine gas turbines it is necessary to obtain a joint solution of the equations of dynamic and temperature boundary layers in the boundary conditions of the flow parts. This article offers a model of the distribution of dynamic and temperature boundary layers taking into account the convective component (for the case of a gaseous working fluid, i. e. Pr function show_abstract() { $('#abstract1').hide(); $('#abstract2').show(); $('#abstract_expand').hide(); }


Heat transfer coefficient, temperature boundary layer, turbopump unit, power parameters, turbine

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148321985

IDR: 148321985   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2020-21-3-364-376

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