The analysis of these physiological signals on the plane of complex frequencies with use of the Proni procedure

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The method of the spectral analysis on the plane of complex frequencies with use of the Proni procedure and also a graphic form of its representation is offered. In physiological studies and in assessing the functional state is very important to data analysis of physiological signals as oscillatory processes. In this widely accepted model of the oscillatory process is the representation of the process under study through the superposition (sum) of sinusoidal periodic processes, each of which is constant in time amplitude, frequency and initial phase. The calculated set of raw signal parameters harmonic sets the range of the investigated process. It should be noted that physiological signals in the General case, represent highly organized in time oscillations. Therefore, in the literature, physiological processes are mostly treated as random processes. In this case, as a measure of the distribution of the frequency of oscillatory activity of FS use a statistical evaluation of the power spectral density (PSD) of a signal, which reflects the dependence of the distribution of the average power (oscillatory activity) of the signal frequency.


Time row, proni method, complex frequencies, spectral density, physiological signals, oscillatory processes, random processes, oscillatory activity

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IDR: 147155249   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr180108

Список литературы The analysis of these physiological signals on the plane of complex frequencies with use of the Proni procedure

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