The Arctic ice: monitoring and adaptation measures

Автор: Zelenina Larisa I., Antipin Alexey L.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Ecology

Статья в выпуске: 18, 2015 года.

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Ice condition monitoring in the Arctic seas allows evaluating the impact of changes by analyzing the two opposite points of view — Arctic ice is melting and ice is included into the “cold cycle”. Histogram of the area with the Arctic paleocrystic ice (2002—2013), and statistical analyze of the collected data allowed to construct a polynomial trend that defines a sufficient degree of probability and predicted values of the minimum area of the Arctic sea ice. The best model was selected — the method of harmonic balance and the interval forecasts of the ice cover of the Arctic seas for 2015 and 2016 were composed. Risk consideration under the climate change is very important for mining industries, maritime navigation and infrastructure in the Russian Arctic, in order to minimize losses arising from possible threats.


Arctic, sea ice, trend model, forecast of the ice cover, into account risks, threats, minimization of losses

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IDR: 148318746

Список литературы The Arctic ice: monitoring and adaptation measures

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