The ethical dilemmas of the blockchain technology use in e-healtcare systems
Автор: Vesna Scepanovic, Ivan Scepanovic
Журнал: Social Informatics Journal @socialinformaticsjournal
Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.3, 2024 года.
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Blockchain technology is increasingly being recognized as a game-changer in healthcare, offering solutions for improved data security, transparency, and interoperability. However, its integration into healthcare systems brings with it a range of ethical challenges that need to be addressed. This paper delves into some of the most pressing issues, such as protecting patient privacy, defining data ownership, obtaining informed consent, and ensuring equitable access. It explores the delicate balance between the transparency that blockchain provides and the potential risks of exposing sensitive health information. The paper also considers the ethical concerns surrounding decentralized governance and the possibility of deepening inequalities due to the digital divide. By addressing these dilemmas, the goal is to offer a thoughtful analysis that can guide policymakers, healthcare professionals, and technologists in leveraging blockchain’s potential while upholding ethical principles in healthcare.
Blockchain Technology, Healthcare Ethics, Patient Privacy, Data Ownership, Decentralized Governance
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170207371 | DOI: 10.58898/sij.v3i2.09-14
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