The first find of diamond on the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas in the north-eastern Baltic shield

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The regular features of the region's spatial-temporal evolution have been discussed. Based on geodynamic analysis and the time scale of the crust formation in the eastern Baltic Shield, it is defined, that the most promising search areas for diamond-bearing rocks are intersections of deep lithospheric faults and discovered belts of possible diamond-bearing kimberlitic magmatism. The paper suggests the most promising search areas for diamond-bearing kimberlitic explosion pipes that can be united in the single diamond-bearing Norwegian-Mesensky belt. Prospecting for diamonds was carried out in the area of the Rybachy and Sredny Peninsulas in 2005-2007. Detailed decoding of large-scale aerial photographs and in situ measuring of fractures in the northern margin of the Sredny Peninsula allowed defining prospective intersection nodes of deep faults. Heavy mineral concentrate has been sampled here and indicated diamonds and associated minerals. They can suggest either native wash-out origins, or immediate scouring of Paleo-marine terraces that used to be rich in these minerals...


Diamond, moissanite, chrome diopside, chrome spinellid, rybachy peninsula, sredny peninsula

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IDR: 142220004   |   DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-1-36-47

Список литературы The first find of diamond on the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas in the north-eastern Baltic shield

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