The history of air pollution and its future

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The history of air pollution originates in the XIII century, when in London fossil coal began to be used by artisans and craftsmen; it continues through the main events of the first and the second industrial revolution that led to great benefits for mankind but entailed an increasing consumption of coal, dissemination of air pollutants and degradation of the envi􏰀 ronment. The situation became more alarming in many countries after the Second World War, as a consequence of indus􏰀 trial development, rapid urban sprawl and new unexpected environmental phenomena that occurred in the sixties and the seventies. Today, an integrated approach and renewed awareness of this troubled history will be needed to face the envi􏰀 ronmental issues as a whole, with a reconsideration of some models of development that are strongly affecting our society, in the attempt to retrieve harmonious relationships that have been lost in many aspects of life.


Air pollution, energy, coal

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IDR: 143162075

Список литературы The history of air pollution and its future

  • Stern A. C. Some industrial air pollution problems of the 19th century, Buenos Aires, 1980.
  • Doldi S. Scoperte e invenzioni nell'era moderna, Genova: SAGEP Editori, 1982.
  • Fumarola G., Stern A.C. A case study in the development of air quality man􏰀 agement standards -Hydrogen Chloride. New York, 1972.
  • Izmerov N.F. Control of air pollution in the USSR -Public Health Paper n° 54, World Health Organization, Geneva, 1973.
  • Pryde P. R. The Decade of the Environment in the U.S.S.R., Science. 1983; 220: 274-27.
  • Orleans L., Suttmeier R. The Mao Ethic and Environmental Quality. Science, 1970; 170: 1173-1176.
  • Murley L. Clean Air around the World, Brighton: A Report by IUAPPA, 1991.
  • Molina M., Rowland F. S. Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlo􏰀rine atom􏰀catalyzed destruction of ozone. Nature, 1974; 249: 810-812.
  • Fourier J. Me ́moire sur la tempe ́rature du globe terrestre et des espacesplane ́taires, Institute de France, Paris, 1827.
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