The housing policy problems on the local level

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The article covers the local government’s capacities and limitations on the matters of forming of its own housing policy in a municipality’s territory. The paper contains the analysis of legislative framework within the scope of which some local authorities may realize their housing policies. It is proved that on the local level especially in Russia’s small towns the local government’s capacities for efficient housing policy are restricted.

Local government, housing policy, small towns

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IDR: 147223177

Список литературы The housing policy problems on the local level

  • Housing code of the RF as of 29.12.2004 № 188-FL (reduction as of 17.12.2009).
  • Land code of the RF as of 25.12.2004 № 188-FL (reduction as of 27.12.2009).
  • Federal law № 131 “On the general principles of local government organization in the RF” as of 06.10.2003 (reduction as of 27.12.2009).
  • Federal law № 261 “On the energy saving and on the increase of energy effectiveness and on the introduction of changes in certain legislation decrees of the RF” as of 23.11.2009.
  • Federal law № 185 “On the Fund for promoting the reforms of housing and communal services” as of 21.07.2007 (reduction as of 17.12.2009).
  • Russia’s regions. Social and economic indicators. 2009 : stat. coll./Rosstat. -M., 2009. -990 p.
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