The importance of communication for business success of companies in the conditions of globalization

Автор: Đelošević Ivana, Spasojević Branka

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.16, 2021 года.

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Globalization is a social phenomenon with broad implications. It changes the appearance of the world, and also the way we look at the world. It leads us, whether we like it or not, to live more radically, faster, more openly and to constantly adapt to the changing environment. Achieving the superior business performance in the global environment is related to respecting and adapting to new challenges and trends. It is quite clear and certain that it depends to some extent on good communication and negotiating skills whether the company will achieve business growth. Numerous activities in the modern business system are based exclusively on good communication, where the parties involved in the communication process must know the business skills, market, desires and style of behavior. Business cooperation begins and ends with communication. It is the basis for the growth and development of the company.


Communication, enterprise, globalization, information, message, employer

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204046   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2102001D

Список литературы The importance of communication for business success of companies in the conditions of globalization

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