The method for lifetime estimation through the mechanical properties in tension

Автор: Bakhracheva Yuliya Sagidullovna

Журнал: НБИ технологии @nbi-technologies

Рубрика: Технико-технологические инновации

Статья в выпуске: 2 (11), 2014 года.

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The method for prediction of Paris' curve shape through the results of tensile test is suggested. For this purpose the author developed non-direct method for determination of Kth and Kfc and corresponding to them da/dN values. The relationship between Kth and b/y ratio was found. The correlation Kfc(KIc) was also shown. It makes possible to estimate lifetime of different structures with cracks under cyclic loading.

Paris' curve, cyclic loading, lifetime, non-direct method, tensile test

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IDR: 14968317   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu10.2014.2.4

Список литературы The method for lifetime estimation through the mechanical properties in tension

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