The Origin of the Rule of Many Wangs in the Great Yuan Dynasty
Автор: Surna B.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Рубрика: История
Статья в выпуске: 2, 2024 года.
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The rule of many dynasties of the Great Yuan State was formed from the time of Genghis Khan. The issue of how this rule was formed is discussed in three stages in the article. It was elaborated in the process of conquering the Golden Kingdom and the Seven Kingdoms, and it was standardized during the reign of Hublai Khan. The word "Olon Van" has two meanings: in a broad sense, it refers to the sons and daughters of the royal family. Refers to many vassals. Many vassals of the royal lineage began to be formed during the time of the Great Mongol Empire, when the land was conquered, and private possessions were formed. However, from the beginning of the Great Yuan Dynasty, many vassals had the rank of vassals, and formed the rule system of many vassals. The rule of many kings was created only during the time of Hublai Khan, or it is not a Chinese institution. On the contrary, it was formed from Genghis Khan to the time of Hublai Khan, and according to the traditional division of the Mongol Empire, a special rule system was created by honoring many kings. Chinggis Khan and his sons gave military training, conducted training, and established policies for conquest. Before the reign of Genghis Khan's eldest son, Hublai Khan, he was appointed to the provinces before Gobi, replacing the king and controlling the people in general. It was formed from the beginning, but there was no special rule, so the succession and duties of deer were not clear, and the distinction between honorary titles and ranks was not clear. In response to the chaos of many wangs, Hubilai Khan organized many wangs into six ranks and implemented the gold and silver service. It was the need of the state at that time to organize and regulate the many vassals of the Great Yuan State. King Kublai renewed the old practice of honoring many vassals of the royal dynasty and adopted a policy of limiting the powers of the vassals and centralizing the power of vassals. It is useful for strengthening. The rule system of many dynasties had an immeasurable effect on the maintenance and defense of the vast territory of the Great Yuan State.
Great Yuan Dynasty, Muhulai Goo Wang, many wang, rule
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329424 | DOI: 10.18101/2949-1657-2024-2-86-95