The political heartland of Chagatai khan in Zhetysu

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The article examines the history of Zhetysu, during the period when this historical region was part of the Chagatai’s ulus. Special attention is paid to the Kegen-Narynkol district, which was the political center of this Ulus. The historical significance of this region is insufficiently covered in historical research. Kegen-Narynkol district is considered the seasonal political center of Chagatai and his descendants, their summer pastures were located here. It also describes the artificial ponds (reservoirs) preserved to this day in the Kegen-Narynkol steppes, the construction of which is associated with the rulers of the Chagatai Ulus. At the end of the article, the political situation in Kegen-Narynkol during the existence of the Kazakh Khanate under the rule of Yesim and Zhangir, as well as the general history of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz peoples, is investigated. The article uses information from written sources, as well as historical legends, pedigrees preserved by the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz.


Ugedei khan, chagatai khan, yesim khan, zhangir khan, political heartland, tarbagatai, zhetysu, kegen-narynkol region, artificial ponds, royal burial mounds, legends

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IDR: 14131279   |   DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2024.49.64.010

Список литературы The political heartland of Chagatai khan in Zhetysu

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