The rationale for the method of calculating the angles of arrival of short radio waves taking into account the influence of regular and random inhomogeneities of the ionosphere

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The article presents a reasonable method of calculating the angles of elevation of short radio waves with the influence of regular and random inhomogeneities of the ionosphere. The method calculates short radio waves (HF) through the horizontal inhomogeneous scattering ionosphere. The technique is based on application of the law of refraction of Snell’s for well-known models of the ionosphere and its evolution in the irregular parts. The description of the program to calculate the angles of radiation and reception HF is presented. The results of calculating the angles of arrival are compared with measurements of angles of arrival of HF. We obtained the best agreement between the experimental and the calculated resultsl of arrival angles of HF than for the regular ionosphere. The use of techniques is discussed in the article.


Calculation of arrival angles of hf radio waves, radio wave propagation, ionosphere model, optimization of radiation pattern

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IDR: 146281221   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0157

Список литературы The rationale for the method of calculating the angles of arrival of short radio waves taking into account the influence of regular and random inhomogeneities of the ionosphere

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