The role of individual responsibility in territorial development

Автор: Gerencsr Ilona

Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en

Рубрика: Foreign experience

Статья в выпуске: 4 (64) т.12, 2019 года.

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Within regional science, there has always been a great deal of emphasis on examining territorial differences. When defining development directions, it is important that territorial levels can be identified individually. One of the characteristics of settlements is a lively social life. This will provide an opportunity for the population to live their individual social and cultural life. In settlements where the population is active, people usually love to live, and their inhabitants want to improve their physical and cultural life. They work like a great family, they form a community. In some of cases, settlement leaders place great emphasis on community development. The leaders of the settlement formally try to ensure the development of the settlement with local regulations, however they also have informal tools that they can use for the benefit of their community. In addition to executives, the individual has an important role in community building. The active behavior of individuals in community building can greatly contribute to a successful settlement. The study examines several local communities with qualitative and quantitative modifiers, and presents success factors within each community. The purpose of the study is to approach communities from a new perspective. Previous research has generally examined communities on the basis of their characteristics, ethnicity (minorities), spatial concentration (school communities). This study attempts to highlight the relationship between territorial development and individual responsibility, taking into account all aspects of communities. It is important to note that the purpose of this study is not to present complete research findings (correlation studies on individual factors: age, educational attainment, income, and their impact on communities), partly because of the scale and partly because of future research plans. The research results confirm that the level of development and development potential of the regions are largely determined by the composition of the human factor living in the given space. Decisions made by decision-makers taking these principles into account can really contribute to the development of areas. Scientific study of such development results coud be a goal for future research.


Community, identity research, individual responsibility, local leaders, endogenous development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147224197   |   DOI: 10.15838/esc.2019.4.64.14

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