The role of multimedia teaching tools in English lessons

Автор: Fayziyeva M.H.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 4 (37), 2020 года.

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The use of multimedia technologies in the educational process directly affects the cognitive activity of students. The purpose of teaching students a foreign language is to develop communication skills.

English language, lesson, student, multimedia presentation, educational process

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140265454

Список литературы The role of multimedia teaching tools in English lessons

  • Albrecht K.N. Use of ICT in English lessons //Information and communication technologies in pedagogical education, 2010. - access Mode:
  • Farhodjonovna F. N. Spiritual education of young in the context of globalization //Мир науки и образования. - 2017. - №. 1 (9).
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