The role of the family in society

Автор: Raximboeva D.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 11 (66), 2019 года.

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This article discusses the role of the family in society. The importance of the family in the development of society and the state is analyzed. It is considered that the family is a natural necessity of raising a healthy generation.

Upbringing, family, state, society, personality, healthy generation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140246016

Список литературы The role of the family in society

  • Mamajonova G.K. Bioethics - A component of culture: development tendencies and basic features// International Journal on Integrated Education - 2019. - Volume 2, Issue IV, Sep-Oct. 116-118
  • Mamajonova G. K. BIOETHICS IS APPLIED ETHICS //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2018. - №. 1. - С. 29-31.
  • Saifnazarov I., Xujayev M. I. AXMAD ZAKI VALIDIY ISLAMIC CULTURE //Экономика и социум. - 2018. - №. 2. - С. 55-57.
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