The speed electromagnetic wave propagation in the snow-ice underlying surface

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The results calculations the electromagnetic wave propagation velocity in the snow-ice cover depending on the density, the proportion liquid water content, and the propagation speeds the electromagnetic wave in dry snow, dry firn, and dry ice vary very markedly depending on the proportion liquid water content, the preferred orientation, and the shape ice and air structure are presented. The inclusions in the snow.The performed estimates the complex relative permittivity the medium that determines the speed propagation electromagnetic waves show a noticeable influence the density, the proportion liquid water content and the structure the underlying surface (snow, firn, ice), which allows identifying the layers the underlying surface in order to remotely determine the possibility landing a helicopter-type aircraft on an unprepared site with snow-ice cover.Shown, when the portion the water content in the medium is equal to zero, which is typical for negative temperatures, the speed propagation electromagnetic waves in the medium will depend on the density the medium and structure the dry ice in a small range of 1 m/µs temperature. In dry snow, vertically and horizontally elongated or spherical inclusions make a significant contribution to the change in the speed propagation the electromagnetic wave. At zero temperature, in the frequency range of 2 ... 8 GHz, the share water content in the medium, the density and structure the medium will play a determining role in the speed propagation an electromagnetic wave in the medium.The purpose this article is to determine the change ranges speed propagation electromagnetic waves in snow-ice the underlying surface depending on the density, structure, water content to restore the structure the snow and ice according to radar sensing, a more accurate determination the depth snow and thickness ice cover used in the assessment the possibility the safe landing an aircraft the helicopter type on an unprepared ground with snow-ice cover.


Snow cover, ice cover, underlying surface, dielectric permittivity, electromagnetic wave propagation speed

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IDR: 146282225   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0313

Список литературы The speed electromagnetic wave propagation in the snow-ice underlying surface

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