Typology of linguistic deviation as a result of mixing languages (at the initial stage of studying Russian language as a foreign language). The French model

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The article analyses the problem associated with the formation of bilingual competence of foreign students at the initial stage of studying. The research focuses on the types of errors caused by such a phenomenon as linguistic interference. The article discusses in detail the so-called national types of deviation (French model), caused by the convergence of the native and Russian languages, at all levels of the system: phonetic, grammatical, lexical, etiquette. At the phonetic level, linguistic interference is represented by the transfer of the pronunciation skills acquired by the foreign speaker in the process of mastering the native (dominant language) into the target language, and, thereby, the violation of the phonetic norm of the latter. Grammatical interference occurs when students applie the grammatical rules inherent in their native language to similar elements of the foreign language. Lexical interference occurs as a result of the coincidence of the lexical units of the native and the foreign languages, as a result of which an idea of some correspondences (false) is formed in the student’s mind. Knowing the typology of consistent and regular deviations will help avoid the negative phenomenon of language mixing.


Bilingualism, linguistic deviation, errors, interlanguage matches, borrowing, false friends of the translator, francophone, russian as a foreign language

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148322824

IDR: 148322824   |   DOI: 10.25586/RNU.V925X.21.03.P.135

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