Traffic noise forecasting on Tashkent city main streets

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Traffic noise is considered to be the most important that must be eliminated within the environmental problems of cities, as well as lead to various diseases of the population living in the roadside area. The article analyzes the work done to date on this topic, and for the first time examines the relationship between traffic flow and its impact on the noise level, which is the main source of traffic noise on the main streets of Tashkent. Traffic noise measured by GOST 20444-2014 «Noise. Traffic flow. According to» methods of measuring noise description « conducted in the 1 class NORSONIC140(Nor140) noise according to GOST17187-2010(IES61672-2002). Also, on the basis of the research, a model for forecasting traffic noise on the main streets of Tashkent was developed and compared with other models.


City highway streets, traffic noise, traffic intensity, traffic composition, traffic speed, basic diagram of traffic flow, density of trasnport flow, practical road capacity, regression analyze, model prediction models

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IDR: 146282426

Список литературы Traffic noise forecasting on Tashkent city main streets

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