Transformations of nuptiality of the population in Western Siberia as a factor of social mobility in the modernization of Stalin (early 1930s - early 1940s)

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The article looks at the historical trends of marriage population of Western Siberia under Stalin’s Russia's modernization, when there have been dramatic changes in all spheres of political, economic and social life of the country. In those years unfolded forced industrialization, forced collectivization of agriculture and the so called «cultural revolution». These processes combined with accelerated urbanization means transforming lifestyles in both urban and rural populations. Accordingly was changed a marital people’s behavior, their attitudes toward marriage, divorce and children. Changed and the family itself. It has evolved into a unique and important factor of social mobility. It was really a revolution, which in turn led to the transformation of the entire population of the subsystem of Soviet society.


Western siberia, family, marriage, marriage rate, divorce rate

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IDR: 147219160

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