Transformation of ethnical composition of the population of Western Siberia (1959–1989)

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The study attempted a comprehensive analysis of the ethnic composition of the population of Western Siberia. We consider changes in its structure in the years 1959–1989 in the context of sustainable economic development. On the basis of the involved statistical material and, above all, the All-Union census data revealed the main indicators of the dynamics of the number and the proportion of the major ethnic groups. Investigated the causal link between the geographical location, the most important events in the history of the region under study and the dynamics of the number of members of certain ethnic arrays, as well as characteristics of the historical genesis of the latter. The influence of demographic factors on the actual change in the national structure of the population of Western Siberia, including migration and natural growth processes of demographic transition and assimilation. Showing the regional peculiarities in the distribution of individual nations. It is noted that the indigenous peoples of the region, despite the further complication of the ethnic structure of the region, increase the intensity of inter-ethnic contacts and inevitably follows this assimilation, as well as begin the process of demographic modernization, continued to show growth in numbers – Altai stable constantly, and Shor in the initial stage of the period.


Western siberia, ethnic structure, ethnos, demography, all-union census, transformation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147218905

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